Neijing Nature-Based Medicine

What is Neijing Nature-Based Medicine?

What is Neijing Nature-Based Medicine?2024-03-30T08:16:39-07:00

What is Neijing Nature-Based Medicine?

Neijing Nature-Based Medicine (NNBM) is a groundbreaking healthcare system developed by Dr. Edward Neal, based on over two decades of classical text research, teaching, and clinical practice.

Neijing Nature-Based Medicine (NNBM) is based on a model of tissue coherence and ecological health supported by the deeper models of nature and the cosmos. In this model, the universe and all that we experience arise from complex patterns of motion and transformation that are indiscernible to our physical senses alone but can be known through the recognizable patterns they create in our world.

At the core of these patterns lies a deep tendency for the cosmos to constantly move in cyclical patterns — or to ‘breathe.’ From these deeply woven patterns, all phenomena, including all aspects of the cosmos, nature, and the human body, are formed.

Neijing Nature-Based Medicine Basic Principles

  • Nature is our primary teacher and the source of all that we experience in our lives.
  • We are direct expressions of nature, and nature is a reflection of us; no meaningful separation exists.
  • The cosmos is created and governed by complex patterns of motion and transformation, of which we are largely unaware; we live our lives among a world of secondary manifestations, not primary causes.
  • At the heart of these motions is a deep tendency for the universe to move in constant cyclical motions or to ‘breathe’; from this basic tendency, all things in the universe are explained.
  • The universe is an interrelated resonancescape; changes in any one aspect affects all other aspects; all things exist as part of this great web, we succeed or fail together.
  • Physical forms in the universe materialize around patterns of indiscernible motion in ways to maximize the efficiency of the patterns flowing through them at the time of their creation; thus, the physical forms of the world, including the human body, are not static objects but rather represent dynamic patterns of motion in form.
  • Human illnesses arise as primary disruptions in the coherence of unseen patterns of motion and transformation, of which we are largely unaware; due to this, in our healthcare systems today, we tend to recognize secondary manifestations of illness, not their primary cause.
  • Human illnesses are treated best by restoring the body’s ecological landscape and circulatory patterns; when these patterns are restored, many human illnesses resolve spontaneously and gracefully.
  • When these practices are combined with the thoughtful use of Western medicine, the clinical efficacy of current practices is drastically improved, and side effects diminish; Western medicine is best used sparingly as a spice, not as a main course.
  • We are living at the dawn of a  new understanding of the body and human health and illness; these new ideas have the potential to revolutionize the practice of both Chinese and Western medicine and lead to a new era of medicine.
  • Nature is our primary teacher and the source of all things we have in our lives.
  • We are expressions of nature, and nature is a reflection of us; there is no meaningful separation.
  • The cosmos is created and governed by complex patterns of motion, of which we are largely unaware; we live our lives among a world of secondary manifestations, not primary causes.
  • At the heart of these motions is a deep tendency for the universe to move in constant cyclical motions or to ‘breathe’; from this basic tendency, all things in the universe are explained.
  • The universe is a grand resonancescape; changes in any one aspect affect all other aspects; all things exist as part of this great family, we succeed or fail together.
  • The physical forms of the universe materialize around patterns of indiscernible motion in ways to maximize the efficiency of the patterns flowing through them at the time of their creation; thus, the physical forms of the universe, including the human body, are not static objects but rather represent patterns of motion in form.
  • All human illnesses arise as primary disruptions in the coherence of these unseen patterns of motion, of which we are largely unaware; due to this, in our healthcare systems today, we currently recognize secondary manifestations of illness, not their primary cause.
  • Our human illnesses are treated best by first restoring the body’s ecological landscape and circulatory patterns; when these patterns are restored, many human illnesses resolve spontaneously and gracefully.
  • When these practices are combined with the thoughtful use of Western medicine, the clinical efficacy of current practices is drastically improved, and side effects diminish; Western medicine is best used sparingly as a spice, not as a main course.
  • We are living at the dawn of an entirely new understanding of the body and human health and illness; these new ideas have the potential to revolutionize the practice of both Chinese and Western medicine and lead to a new era of medicine.


Water is the blood and qì of the earth; its courses flow and intermingle like the blood that circulates within the sinews and blood vessels of the body. Thus, it is said that water is the container for life’s deep potential.

Warring States

Featured Series

Read Dr. Neal’s groundbreaking 3-part series about Neijing Nature-Based Medicine and Classical Text Archaeology, published in the Journal of Chinese Medicine and available on this website.
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