2-Year Postgraduate Mentorship Training
Past students are saying great things
The Neijing Nature Based Medicine course has not only deepened my practice and understanding of Chinese medicine but also been life changing. How I perceive and experience my practice, myself, my circumstances, my students, my creative work and process, nature, relationships, society, and the cosmos itself has forever shifted in ways that clarify my work, my decisions, and my sense of self in the ever-changing symphony of all that is.
Rae D.
Qigong teacher and artist
California (US)
NNBM Foundations Level I, 2023

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2-Year Postgraduate Mentorship Training
Dr. Neal’s course, and the teachings of the Neijing, have touched that deeper part of me that always felt like I was missing something when practicing modern and western medicine. After being introduced to this material, things started to make more sense regarding the Universe, our place in it, our uniqueness and specialness, and our health. Once I started applying it, changes happened for patients that had been “stuck” in poor health. With this course, the more I learn the more I want to learn. I have taken it multiple times and now feel like it will be something I am part of for the rest of my career and life. I am grateful for Dr. Neal, these teachings, and the amazing people I have met along the way.
Stephen K., D.O.
Clinical Director
Pennsylvania (US)
NNBM Foundations Level I, 2023
High quality training! Ed is an exciting and passionate teacher. It has the ability to make complex information accessible in a fluid and clear manner. The training changed my conception of acupuncture and my vision of life. THANKS
Jason I.
Acupuncture Practitioner
NNBM Foundations Level I, 2023
I am so grateful to have found Neijing Nature-Based Medicine! It brings me so much joy to know that this medicine exists, that it is practiced and that there is an opportunity to learn ancient medicine based from nature! My heart feels tingly warm knowing that the earth has people (Dr Edward Neal) that teach this knowledge and share. The teaching and learning style is especially cherished as it is long learning! It gives me time to soak it in, take it in and feel it for my own experiences. I also love the artists approach style, because it gives space for interpretation and perception.
Kanisha T.
Ancestral Skin Marker/Quyanaa Practitioner (Birth & Maturation)
Alaska (US)
NNBM Foundations Level I, 2023
Studying the Neijing with Dr. Neal has been like peeling back a curtain. His translation of the Neijing is remarkably straightforward, yet shines a new, modern light on what I’ve come to realize is a rich and still-relevant classic text. I came away from the course with a deeper understanding of the very basic principles of Chinese medicine and also its vast complexity. I think this richness and beauty of our medicine can too easily be undervalued or even dismissed altogether in any modern practice–no matter how successful—and what I once viewed as somewhat archaic and cryptic has instead become an inspiration and axis around which my work now revolves.
Acupuncturist, Member – Oregon State Medical Board
Oregon (US)
Neijing Medicine: Foundations Level I, 2018
The Neijing Nature-Based Medicine program has transformed my view of the human body all together and how truly revolutionary the practices of ancient Chinese medical physicians are for modern day society.
Stephanie H.
United States
Past Student, Neijing Medicine: Foundations Level I
Dr. Neal has a true gift for teaching. From the first 5 minutes listening to him, I could tell that I was about to have my whole world flipped upside down. His lectures are beautifully crafted as he takes unbelievably complex material and relays it in a way that a 6-year old could understand it. I began this class looking for ways to hone my treatment skills, but what I got out of it was so much more. Dr. Neal opened my eyes to how nature works and how the universe patterns itself and that is a gift for which I am forever in gratitude. He is absolutely inspiring. He is definitely an inspiration to me.
Joseph F.
Acupuncturist & Father
Kentucky (US)
Neijing Medicine, Theory and Clinical Practice
I have been in practice for over 15 years as well as teaching Chinese medicine philosophy, theory and practice. Dr Neal”s course has been an eye opener, as he talked about many areas I had wondered about, but mostly as he combined my interests in philosophy and classical Chinese and rooted Chinese medicine firmly in the classics. He then proceeded to apply it… Amazing!
Acupuncturist & Teacher
United States
Neijing Medicine: Foundations Level I, Theory and Clinical Practice, 2019
This class brought it all together for me. I got plenty of techniques and protocols in school, but there has been a gaping hole in my soul craving the “why?!” and this class cuts right to the heart of it all. Dr. Neal doesn’t shy away from the “why?!” question for a moment; instead he goes right into it. Everything is explained in a way that is rooted and makes sense, and somehow because of that it all becomes even more magical! The ancient Chinese were looking at the same body that we are looking at today! Why in the world would we not approach Chinese Medicine like they were looking at the same thing we are looking at? Where did we get so far off-track that most Chinese Medicine graduates can’t confidently answer basic questions like “What is qi?” and “What are the jingmai?” Dr. Neal is rocking the Chinese Medicine world right now by asking the “why?” question and I am so glad that he is. Chinese Medicine theory and practice has never made more sense than it does now and I can very confidently look patients and other practitioners (Western and Eastern) in the eye and tell them exactly what I’m doing and why it makes incredible sense. Thank you so much, Dr. Neal. You have completely changed my practice and opened up a whole world for me. I’ve never been more excited about practicing Chinese Medicine.
Acupuncturist & Clinical Director
United States
Neijing Medicine: Theory and Clinical Practice, 2018