Welcome to the Apricot Grove.

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This website is the home of Neijing Nature–Based Medicine and the teachings of Dr. Edward Neal. Join us as we recreate the story of Chinese medicine from the ground up, based on in-depth classical text research into its original writings.

Based on over two decades of research, teaching, and clinical practice, Dr. Edward Neal has created an in-depth clinical mentorship program designed to provide practitioners with the knowledge and skills necessary to rebuild their clinical practice from the ground up, based on the original principles and techniques of the Huangdi Neijing, the original medical text of Chinese medicine.

Foggy green field with leafless trees

Apricot Grove Philosophy

We are direct expressions of nature. All that we have and experience in our lives has been gifted to us by nature, and nature is our greatest teacher. In turn, we study and follow the patterns of nature’s design, learning from both ancient and modern knowledge, respecting diverse sources of wisdom and traditions.

Our Mission

We are helping to retell our human stories based on the principles of nature’s design and the traditions of ancient and modern wisdom. We train highly skilled and knowledgeable medical professionals by reexamining the original writings of Chinese medicine and traditional knowledge with the aim of transforming medical practice and global healthcare.


Nature is the source of all we have and experience and is our greatest teacher. In all of our actions, we strive to follow the elegant patterns of nature’s design, learning from  both ancient and modern sources to support human thriving.

Our Mission

Our mission is to train highly skilled Chinese medicine professionals through a comprehensive study of nature and the original sources of Chinese medicine.

Neijing Nature-Based Medicine

Choose your option below

Apply to the 2-Year Mentorship Training

In-depth Training in Neijing Nature-Based Medicine
  • Work closely in small group settings with Neijing researcher Dr. Edward Neal
  • Comprehensive Study of the Huangdi Neijing Text
  • Develop clinical skills in Neijing Nature-Based Medicine

The 4-semester course is held over two years with seasonal breaks and built in time for reflection, experiential learning, integration, and direct clinical mentorship with experienced teachers.

Register for the 1st Semester Standalone Option

For students with a general interest in Chinese history, Chinese cosmology, and the principles of nature design, but are not able or interested in completing the 2-year Mentorship, this options allows individuals to participate fully in the first semester of the 2-year mentorship as a standalone option. At the end of the semester, students have the option to continue with the 2-Year Mentorship if they wish.

Register directly for the course. No need to apply to the complete program.

Neijing Nature-Based Medicine

Join us for an Open House

Want to learn more before applying to the 2024/26 program?

Saturday, August 3, 2024

10:00 AM (PDT – US)
1 hour

Advance Your Clinical Skills  •  Learn From Experienced Teachers  •  Join a Thriving Community  •  Study the Medical Classics


The Apricot Grove Podcast

With Dr. Edward Neal and Mel Hopper Koppelman

Tune in as we do a deep dive in retelling our human story through weekly conversations about Chinese medicine, nature, and creativity.



We train highly skilled medical professionals by retelling the story of Chinese medicine through an in-depth study of its original writings; our goal is to transform medical practice and global healthcare.

Years of Neijing Medicine
Countries Where Our Students Practice
Years Taught
Hours of Continuing Education
New Content

Reading the Seasonal River Tides

Join Dr. Edward Neal for “Shop Talk”

In the initial descriptions of Chinese medicine set down in the Huangdi Neijing, acupuncture was described as a traditional form of ecological surgery. Its primary aim was to restore the natural watersheds of the body by regulating the flow of the blood circulating through these regions. These writings compare the vascular rivers of the body to rivers in nature, understanding them to be formed by the same basic forces and patterns of nature. Similar to rivers in nature, the flow qualities of the vascular rivers display different seasonal variations or ‘tides’. We assess these seasonal tides in the pulse qualities of the major blood vessels of the body. This allows us to synchronize the bodies of our patients with the seasonal patterns of nature. (23 mins)

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The sun shines not on us but in us. The rivers flow not past, but through us. Thrilling, tingling, vibrating every fiber and cell of the substance of our bodies, making them glide and sing. The trees wave and the flowers bloom in our bodies as well as our souls, and every bird song, wind song, and tremendous storm song of the rocks in the heart of the mountains is our song, our very own, and sings our love.”

John Muir